Hooray for long distance communication! I received this wonderful email from Adeline, who I wrote about in my blog during my London experience. It made me feel really good about writing, meeting new people and doing what I’m doing, here it is:
Hi Rachel,
I hope that you are well and that you remember me – we met by Regents Park Road bridge while you and Bailey were in London, High and Dry, Asian-looking girl with big guitar…
I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to write to you to thank you for the amazing post you wrote. I feel very honoured to appear on your blog. You write beautifully and your photos are vividly story-telling. What a wonderful blog, and thank you!
I read the post the day you published it but then Cassy and I were in Malaysia visiting my family for the whole of July so things were manic just before, just after, and during. I am so sorry again for not writing to thank you before now.
I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with all your adventures. Are you missing Europe? I’m sure it’s nice to be back with your family and in the sun! It’s currently raining here in London.
Meeting you that day by the bridge made me think a lot about what I want to do with the music and what I want to get out of it. So since then, I have set up a website - www.buskerunderthebridge.com - on which I have made a link to your website, I have taken the giant leap of joining Twitter – @buskerbridge – and I am starting to record my own songs as well as the covers I sing under the bridge (thank you for giving me this idea when you asked me if I had any of the covers available online). I have come to the conclusion that I want to be a pop star (I get a lot of stunned looks and muffled giggles when I tell people this!) so I’m striking while the iron is hot. Thank you very much for being a very big part of the impetus to get going.
I hope that all is well at your end. I would love to keep in touch, although this probably sounds very rich from the one who took two months to make contact to thank you! Please say hi to Bailey for me.
Take care.