ocean slips: a music blog

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I’ve just launched my music blog — http://oceanslips.tumblr.com/

This is full of music, old(ish) and new, so I decided to create a separate space for it. The music-related articles I’ll be posting here will be more geared towards what bands are coming to town/interviews with said bands/and new album reviews.

When I get my new record player(my first one just recently bit the dust…tears), I’ll be reviewing the latest on vinyl, here.

oceanslips.tumblr.com is the place to go if you’re looking for music to add to your listening spectrum, not limited to what’s just come out. The music is shared via youtube, so everyone can play it without needing to download any special player. The video accompanying the music isn’t usually the point, but sometimes they’re pretty cool, and I’ll usually say that.

Being in Berlin, youtube has been showing this to me a lot more than I’d like:

“Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights. Sorry about that.”

Solution: vimeo.com oder thedailymotion.com. Probably more, this is just what I’ve found so far to substitute for the youtube vids I can’t watch!

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